Thursday, December 4, 2014

Amazon sells Kindle e-reader in the Netherlands – Twinkle

Amazon’s Kindle e-reader is available today for sale at Media Markt. This is the first time that the American sells its own product on the Dutch market. Kindle is in physical stores and can be ordered at

Amazon made his entrance in the Netherlands in November with the launch of The retailer sells e-books that can be read on the Kindle e-reader or Kindle apps on remote mobile devices. Until now, customers had to pick their Kindle device from Germany via From today they can also be ordered via, says a company spokesperson to Twinkle. “Media Markt is the first retailer that sells the Kindle.”

Read within 60 seconds
The Dutch Kindle Store is now integrated into the e-readers at Media market on the shelves. This enables customers to “60 seconds” to download a book and read immediately. Kindle devices are equipped with ‘ Time to Read ‘, a feature that the e-reader indicates how long it takes for the reader from his book, based on his reading speed.
On our market for e-books Amazon is competing with, which has about thirty thousand Dutch titles in the range. According to Daniel Ropers, managing director of the Ahold subsidiary, Netherlands is only ‘catch’ for Amazon. He sees the competition on the digital reading market therefore with confidence, he said mid-November.


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