Amazon’s Kindle is a lightweight portable eReader. Because it’s so light and portable, people leave it or at places. Even worse-they’re easily stolen. I know I’ve panicked a few times wondering where is mine. A little prep in advance, plus an action plan When it happens, can give you some peace of mind.
Photo by Annie Mole
Before Your Lose Your Device
Create a Pass Code
Depending on the model you have, the instructions May differentiation slightly. On my Kindle, I go to Settings & gt; Device Options & gt; Device Passcode . But Whether you have the Kindle Paperwhite or a Kindle Fire HD, make sure you have a pass code enabled. Here’s how to create a pass code on the Fire HD.
Your Contact Information
It sounds obvious, but well your contact information on the outside of the device. Unlike other mobile device or Kindle Fire tablets, there’s not much personal information on the Kindle itself. There is no “Find my Kindle” and you can not use Siri to ask who the owner is. I do not like putting my physical address on a device. However, I can put a phone number or email on there so someone can contact me.
If you do not wanna put stickers or write on your Kindle, that’s fine. Put the information inside the case if you use one. Stick it on the space that goes behind the Kindle reader in your case. That way if anyone Removes the Kindle they’ll see your information. It will not stop a thief, but it will help a Good Samaritan.
I ook created a “book” called This Kindle is owned by . Kindle Allows you to add a PDF as a book to your account through email via the Send to Kindle feature. I created a PDF with key information on how to return the Kindle to me (and mention a small reward)
Amazon’s Contact Information
Program into your phone right now Amazon’s contact information. It’s hört 1-888-280-4364 . That’s the general helpline. If you have a smartphone, just save a copy of this article. You can ook program in the key left later in the article. You do not want to wait around too long searching for information. The first thing I did when i thought I lost my Kindle was to contact Amazon.
Your Serial Number
If you want to file a police report, or claim a found Kindle, you need the serial number. Amazon tracks this information for you, but why not save yourself time and record it now? I’ll keep this information in both my password management program and contact management program. That contact HAS Amazon’s support number and my Kindle’s serial number.
When You Can not Find Your Reader
Assume it’s stolen. You can always revert thesis changes later. Your goal here is to avoid potential additional charges That add additional injury to your loss. Amazon will probably allow you dispute Those Purchases, but why take the risk?
Deregister Your Device and Contact Amazon
The first thing to do is to get that missing Kindle off your account. Head on over to Amazon’s Manage Your Content and Devices . Select your missing Kindle and under Device Actions select Deregister . That Prevents someone from making any changes to your account.
I’d do that before I contact Amazon. Amazon could have long hold times. You want to protect your Amazon account right away. When you call Amazon and report it stolen, theyhave the option of blacklisting it to others can not register it. That I’d only recommend if you are sure it’s stolen.
Cancel Subscriptions
You May ook want to make sure That You cancel any active subscriptions through Amazon’s Subscription Center. Canceling the subscription will make sure That billing to your account stops. You always have the option of subscribing at a later date. You do not want to keep paying a bill if you no longer have the Kindle.
Change Your Password Amazon
In theory, this is not be necessary. You’ve already unregistered your Kindle so a thief can not find your password. I worry about someone beingable to find some digital debris or my password on there. Now that Amazon Has Two-factor authentication on accounts, I would not worry as much. On the other hand, Regularly changing passwords is not a bad thing.
Report Your Kindle Stolen and How to Get it Back to You
Letting police and pawn shops know whether your loss helps get the item back to you. That’s why you need the serial number. It could be weeks, months or even years, but it’s possible the device might return to you. Try posting on social media and online classifieds with a small reward. One nice site that helps reunite lost Kindles.
Fortunately, I found my Kindle a few days later stuck between two pockets in my backpack. If you ever find yourself in the same situation, now you’ll know what to do.
About Dave Greenbaum
Based in Kansas, Dave Greenbaum runs his own computer repair business. He’s written for GigaOM and Lifehacker and now writes for us as well.
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