Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Kindle Fire update: Android Not by design - ZDNet

Summary: Amazon rolled out an update for its Fire OS to most Kindle Fire tablets. The update removes further Top owners from the Android experience.

zdnet-amazon-kindletabletfamily-620x338-600x327 (Image: Amazon)

ZDNet’s Zack Whittaker reported on the release of the latest Fire OS for Kindle Fire tablets. Fire OS 3.1 updates the innards of Amazon’s version of the Android OS and adds Several new features to the tablets as detailed by Whittaker.

There’s Nothing particularly unique about this update from Amazon, and that’s why Kindle Fire owners will like it. Unlike most other Android tablets, every owner of a Kindle Fire HD and HDX tablet will have this update pushed to be installed when convenient.

The simplified UI coupled with the automatic update process employed by Amazon with the Kindle Fires is directly Contrary to the typical Android tablet situation.

Amazon has effectively positioned its Kindle Fires to be totally removed from the Android system as far as buyers are Concerned. The graphical interface is very consumer oriented and is welcomed by the non-techie consumer.

The simplified UI coupled with the automatic update process employed by Amazon with the Kindle Fires is directly Contrary to the typical Android tablet situation.

Many Android tablet owners are tech savvy and prone to tweak the software running Their devices. They pine usefull to get the latest version of Android onto Their devices, and Often will go to great lengths to do so. The ability to play around with the Android OS is a big draw to this group, and why many look down Their noses at the simplified line of Kindle Fire tablets. Being locked into a walled garden with a simple UI wrapper is Often the reason thesis give Android enthusiasts for Avoiding the iPad, too.


Amazon’s Kindle Fire HDX

  • Amazon distances itself from Apple with Kindle Fire HDX
  • HDX Amazon’s Kindle Fire, Fire OS 3 (photos)
  • Kindle Fire OS 3.0 for the workplace?
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That’s not only OK with Amazon, it’s what they’ve worked hard to achieve. While Amazon’s Fire OS is built on an Android base, it’s evolved into its own OS Aimed at satisfying the Kindle Fire audience. Amazon Realized early on That fixed the newbie market segment was the only one That Mattered for its Purposes, not the Comparatively small group of tech-savvy consumers.

Fire OS has evolved into Amazon’s own system, removed from the Android platform. That puts the company in firm control of the entire Kindle Fire experience, from hardware to software to ecosystem. That level of control is only enjoyed by Apple with its iPad, the big dog in the tablet fight.


Kindle Fire owners I speak with one facet really appreciate their fiduciary tablets: the simplicity. They easily turn them on and do the things they cause, and thats usefull true with the system updates. The tablet tells them an update is available and then walks them through the few steps to get it done. They restart the Kindle Fire and have new features not only available, but carefully explained how best to use them.

That’s why the automatic deployment of the Fire OS is so important to both the company and its customers. To the typical non-techie Kindle Fire owner, it’s not really an OS update. It’s a case of Amazon looking out for them and sending them new features. In otherwords, it’s the way thesis sort of things should work.

See related:

  • Kindle Fire HDX: When can you get one and how much will it cost
  • ?

  • Amazon Kindle software refreshes, Fire OS 3.1 released
  • Amazon Kindle Fire HDX land in the UK from £ 199

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