Friday, December 12, 2014

Kindle Unlimited now in France and Brazil –

Kindle Unlimited now in France and Brazil

French and Brazilian Amazon users can now also a subscription for unlimited reading ebooks from the offerings from Amazon. Previously, the subscription service Kindle Unlimited already available in the United States, Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain.

Who now sign in France will pay the first month 99 cents, then 9 99 euros per month for Kindle Unlimited. This gives you access to all ebooks from the Kindle Unlimited offerings from Amazon, which consists of 20,000 French titles, 600,000 English titles and 100,000 foreign-language books.

As in other countries where Kindle Unlimited is active, the ebooks of the largest publishers are not reflected in the ebook subscription from Amazon. With publishers like Hachette, Editis and La Martiniere is no contract.

When the Kindle Unlimited subscription service is active in the Netherlands is not yet known. The company started here a month ago with the sale of digital books.


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