Thursday, May 1, 2014

Kindle owners buy more than other Amazon customers – De Morgen

Ronald Meeus – 04/23/14, 23u24

© Amazon.

Amazon Customers a Kindle eReader or tablet of the business in-house, giving an average of 30 percent more money from the U.S. online store than ‘ordinary’ customers. And holders of an Amazon Prime subscription even spend twice as much as other Amazon customers. A study by the U.S. market research firm Consumer Intelligence Research Partners, which came to that conclusion, therefore seems the whole ‘ecosysteem’ idea where technology and media companies deliver to consumers, fully endorse.

Like many other electronic (and physical) retailers also have the American Amazon ‘his’ customers. Who really swear by the shop, so bought himself a Kindle eReader media tablet or the company. Whether he subscribes to Amazon’s only available in the Anglo-Saxon countries, Prime service, so he can send within two days, has access to an entire library of streaming movies and TV for an annual amount of 99 U.S. dollars include goods purchased without shipping costs series, a series of monthly and get free e-books. Both the Kindle reader as the Prime service, the Amazon Customer first save a lot of money: books and other media on the Kindle costs significantly less than physical copies, and subscription service throws things for which one would pay in a “normally flat fee.

And yet, says the U.S. market research firm Consumer Intelligence Research Partners, indicate precisely which 31.3 million customers with an Amazon Kindle and 27.8 million with a Prime subscription on average more money than other. The difference is even reasonably spacious: Prime subscribers spend twice as much money on Amazon than other customers, and Kindle users spend thirty percent more than non-Kindle owners

  • © Apple.

The conclusions endorse fully the fact that software companies, Internet or digital media sales capitalize on the ‘ecosystem’ idea: by simultaneously selling and the hardware to play him off the “software” creates a stronger bond between the brand and consumer technology. The first company that strategy played off well, was Apple, which a decade ago with its iTunes download store unleashed a revolution in the music and media industry. Today music purchased from iTunes can be played than Apple, but for playing downloaded movies, TV series and books on other devices, the user still own Mac computers, iPads and iPhones are forced to Apples. Meanwhile Apple’s competitors saw that this approach works: not for nothing is experimenting Google today, for example, more than ever, with hardware as the Glass-glasses, took Microsoft’s mobile telephony division of Nokia over and swallowed Facebook’s virtual reality startup Oculus on <. / p>

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